Old Town Scottsdale has always been among the most vibrant and unique urban downtown centers in the American Southwest. Its pedestrian-friendly streets are home to world class art galleries, museums, restaurants and retail shops ... and when the sun goes down you don’t have to because of the exciting nightlife.

Old Town Scottsdale logo

Business Resources

Image of Capital Improvement Projects
Capital Improvement Projects

Detailed information on each of the city’s capital projects including: project description, cost, geographic location, funding sources, and operating impacts.

Image of Active Planning Cases
Active Planning Cases

The Planning Cases Dashboard online map tool allows people to see active Planning and Development projects throughout the city and in their neighborhoods.

Image of Downtown Development Activity Map
Downtown Development Activity Map

This map depicts major development activity within the Old Town Scottsdale area.

Image of Downtown 2.0
Downtown 2.0

The City of Scottsdale has teamed with Conventions, Sports and Leisure International (CSL International) and Populous to develop a plan for tourism related downtown economic development in an effort to bring out the best in Scottsdale’s historic downtown.

Image of Old Town Scottsdale Urban Design Guidelines
Old Town Scottsdale Urban Design Guidelines

Guided by local architects, stakeholders, community members, and the DRB, the updated Guidelines direct site development, building form, design details, and materials, ensuring new development contributes to & complements Old Town Scottsdale urban design.

Image of Old Town Scottsdale Character Area Plan
Old Town Scottsdale Character Area Plan

The Old Town Scottsdale Character Area Plan serves as the comprehensive policy document that guides growth and development decisions for Scottsdale’s downtown.

Old Town Scottsdale Update Newsletter

Are you an Old Town Scottsdale merchant, business, or stakeholder interested in staying informed on events and activities in the area? If so, please register to receive our monthly Old Town Scottsdale Update.

Planning and Permits

Special Event Permit Process

Scottsdale is an ideal environment to hold a special event due to its inviting weather, abundance of shops and activities, and year-round attractiveness to our many visitors and residents. The City recognizes special events as an important part of Scottsdale’s quality of life and the contribution they make to a sustainable tourism industry.

City staff is available from multiple departments to assist with questions and potential solutions to your specific event planning needs. We encourage you to use the Special Event Guidebook as a resource for planning a safe, successful event, along with important procedural items, policies, and contact information.

Learn More about the Special Event Permit Process

Download the Special Events Guidebook

Filming Permit for Old Town Scottsdale

A film permit is required for the commercial use of any public street, road, alley, or right-of-way. A permit is not required for filming or videotaping on private property or for filming of persons, scenes, occurrences or events, which is done for news gathering purposes in the general public interest, for use in criminal investigations by law enforcement agencies or for use in any judicial proceedings.

Learn more about Filming in Scottsdale

Last Updated: Aug 20, 2024

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