Paiute Neighborhood Center provides a safe and diverse environment where our neighbors can come together to create a spirit of community by providing social, recreational, cultural and educational programs and services.

Social Services are available to Scottsdale residents who qualify. Appointments are strongly encouraged, and qualifications are based on proof of Scottsdale residency and household income.

  • Community Education Workshops
  • Community Social Services
  • Emergency Food Boxes
  • Information & Referral

Appointments are required for food boxes and social services - call 480-312-2529 to schedule.

Emergency assistance may be provided to Scottsdale residents in need by calling 480-312-2529 or inquire at Paiute's front desk.

Paiute's restrooms and splash pad are currently unavailable due to maintenance.
Last updated: 1 p.m. June 13. 

Amenities on Paiute Campus

Image of Family Resource Center
Family Resource Center
Image of Housing and Community Assistance Office
Housing and Community Assistance Office
Image of Paiute Park
Paiute Park

Upcoming classes & events

Social Services

Social Services are available to Scottsdale residents who qualify. Appointments are strongly encouraged, and qualifications are based on proof of Scottsdale residency and household income.

  • Community Education Workshops
  • Community Social Services
  • Emergency Food Boxes
  • Information & Referral
  • Notary Services

To make an appointment, contact Ana Valadez at 480-312-2529.


Monetary donations can be made to Partners for Paiute, a non-profit organization that funds programs and agencies at the Paiute Neighborhood Center.

Last Updated: Jul 31, 2024

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