Search by Case Type

Case Type SearchCodeTitle Description
Abandonments ABRequests for abandonment or street right-of-way.
Annexations ANRequests for annexing land from another jurisdiction or de-annex land from the City to another jurisdiction.
Board of Adjustment BARequests for Zoning Ordinance variances or zoning interpretation appeals.
Care Home AC*Request to obtain permission to operate a care home with no more than ten adults with a disability that is licensed as a health care institution under Arizona law, and in which on-site supervisory or other care services are provided to the disabled residents.
Conditional Use Permits UPRequests for a use listed as "conditionally permitted" in the zoning district.
Development Review DRRequests for approval of preliminary plats, site plan, building design, landscaping, or exterior paint color.
Extension of Premises EXRequests for a permanent extension of premises of an existing liquor license.
General Plan Amendments GPRequests to change the general plan from the current land use designation.
Hardship Exemptions HERequests for ESL hardship exemptions.
Historic Preservation HPRequests on historic property land use designation.
Infill Incentive IIRequests for infill incentive districts.
In-lieu Parking IPRequests for in-lieu parking programs participation.
Liquor Licenses LLView pending liquor license cases.
Minor Amendment MN*Request for an administrative reduction of up to 10% for a setback requirement.
Minor Division MD*Request to create new parcels. Typically includes five or less lots and a new street.
Master Plans MPRequests for master site plan approval.
Master Sign Plans MSRequests for approval of Master Sign Plans are reviewed by the Development Review Board to ensure compliance with current standards and regulations.
Preliminary Plat PPRequests for approval of preliminary plats are reviewed by the Development Review Board. Preliminary plats are included in the DR listing.
Reasonable Accommodation RA*Request for a maximum ten percent (10%) modification from a development standard or separate requirement if the standard or requirement unduly restricts the opportunity for a person with a disability from finding adequate housing.
Single-Family Residential SFR*Requests associated with construction on a single-family residential lot.
Small Wireless Facility SW*Requests associated with small wireless facilities.
Staff Approval SA*Request involving minor exterior improvements to a commercial, multi-family property, or residential common areas.
Text Amendments TARequests for an amendment to the City of Scottsdale Zoning Code (Ordinance 455).
Wash Modification WM*Request to modify the location of a natural watercourse.
Zoning ZNRequests for a zoning map amendment.

*These case types are generally administratively approved.

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