Sewer Taps - Connecting to City Sewer

Plan Preparation and Submittal

Plan preparation shall consist of two, 24" X 36" site plans based on criteria from the city Design Standards and Policy Manual including the General Notes for Public Construction (Figure 1.1-13). This plan does not require a Civil Engineers or Architects "seal" and may be prepared by a "designer". Customers are encouraged to use a professional, as they are typically familiar with plan preparation and the submittal process.

Plan preparation shall describe and include:

  • The invert elevation of proposed sewer tap at the property line.
  • The proposed location of the sewer tap dimensioned to the property line.
  • The amount of sewer line constructed in the Right-of-Way (ROW) in linear feet.
  • The amount of asphalt, curb, gutter, concrete apron, and sidewalk removal / replacement in the ROW to install the line in square feet / yards.
  • Utility crossings.
  • Provide upstream/downstream manhole rim elevations and Finished floor elevations.
  • Building envelope square footage, dedicated Natural Area Open Space (NAOS) square footage, and total lot square footage. This section is not applicable for most properties currently receiving sewer service.
  • Abandonment of onsite sewer systems (septic tanks) per County Health Department requirements when applicable. In accordance with Arizona Administrative Code R18-9-A309(D) and Maricopa County Environmental Health Code Chapter 2, Section 8.
  • Add clean out at the property line per MAG STD. DET. 440-3.
  • Provide Backwater valve, as required, per IRC P3008.1 - See illustration below.
Backwater Valve Diagram showing the typical situation where a backwater valve is necessary

General Notes for Public Works Construction

  1. All construction in the public rights-of-way or in easements granted for public use must conform to the latest Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Uniform Standard Specifications and Uniform Standard Details for Public Works Construction as amended by the latest version of the City of Scottsdale Standard Specifications and Supplemental Standard Details. If there is a conflict, the city’s Supplemental Standard Details will govern.
  2. The city only approves the scope, not the detail of engineering designs; therefore, if construction quantities are shown on these plans, they are not verified by the city.
  3. The approval of plans is valid for six (6) months. If the associated permit has not been issued within this time frame, the plans must be resubmitted to the city for re-approval.
  4. A city inspector will inspect all works within the City of Scottsdale. Notify Inspection Services 72 hours before beginning work.
  5. Whenever excavation is necessary, call the Blue Stake Center, 811, two working days before excavation begins.
  6. Permission to Work in the Right-of-Way (PWR) permits are required for all works within the rights-of-way and easements granted for public purposes. Copies of all permits must be retained on-site and be available for inspection at all times. Failure to produce the required permits will result in immediate suspension of all work until the proper permit documentation is obtained.
  7. Prior to construction, the contractor shall obtain approval of a barricade and traffic control plan.

Construction Notes

  1. Refer to City of Scottsdale Water Separation Detail 2372
  2. Refer to City of Scottsdale Sewer Separation Detail 2401
  3. Refer to City of Scottsdale Pavement Replacement Detail 2200
  4. Refer to City of Scottsdale Trench Backfill Detail 2201
  5. Refer to Maricopa County Association of Governments Specification 336 (for possible slurry seal coat) on pavement cuts greater than 300 feet or bore pits less than 300 feet apart.

Offsite Sewer Tap Plans shall be submitted for review to the One Stop Shop upon payment of the plan review fees (miscellaneous civil review).

Review, Approval, Permitting, and Development Fees

Plans will be reviewed by the Plan Review Services and either approved or returned to the applicant for corrections.

Upon plan approval, the applicant and or applicant's representative / contractor, must apply for, and receive an Right-of-way Permit prior to commencing any construction within the ROW. Fees are based on the quantities described in items "c" and "d" above including the minimum fee.

For properties or applicants requesting new sewer service to an undeveloped property, or, conversion from on-site sewer systems (septic tanks) to public sewer, payment of "Sewer Development Fees" is required. Development fees are based on meter size. To determine Sewer Development fees, please refer to the current Development Fees.

For assistance, contact: Development Engineering, 480-312-8979 or [email protected]

Line Extension Participation Program

The expansion of the City of Scottsdale's sewer collection system facilitates the protection and improvement of groundwater quality and allows us to capture a valuable water resource for reuse in the desert environment. The expansion of the sewer collection system supports our mission to be good stewards of all water resources.

The City Code requires property owners to extend public water/sewer lines to their property as a condition of receiving service. Historically, these property owners were responsible for the applicable costs to extend public water/sewer lines across their neighbors' frontages and could seek compensation through payback agreements.

On October 2, 2007, City Council approved amendments to Chapter 49 of the City of Scottsdale Municipal Code and Ordinances. The purpose of the Extension Participation Program is to compensate single family property owners for the cost of extending public water and sewer lines that serve their parcel. The reimbursement represents the cost of extending the water or sewer line across adjacent parcel frontages needed to reach the property that requires the extension. Each property owner will only be responsible for their equitable share of the cost to extend the public water or sewer lines across their own parcel frontage. Subdivisions, multi-family residences, and commercial properties are not eligible for extension participation from the City of Scottsdale.

For assistance, contact: Water Administration, 480-312-2500 or [email protected]

Download the Line Extension Participation Application

Water Line & Fire Line Extensions

City Submittal Requirements

  • Three (3) set of blue lines sealed by an Arizona licensed engineer
  • Fire Hydrant Flow Test permit

Apply for Fire Hydrant Flow Test Permit

Flow test are required for water main extensions.

  1. Prior to testing the water system, applicant must obtain a ROW permit (base fee) from One Stop Shop. A Flow Test Summary Form must have location of hydrants specified.
  2. Permit holder is required to contact Inspection Services 24hrs prior to conducting flow test. Permit holder shall provide location of hydrants with QS# and permit number. Inspector will check hydrants after test to assure no damage to hydrant's or surrounding landscape.

    Inspection Services will close out permit with "NO" acceptance letter required. If damage occurs, the permit holder is responsible to repair hydrant or washed out areas.

  3. When a design report is submitted for review with flow test document, the reviewer will verify that a permit has been obtained prior to test results being accepted. If flow test was conducted without permit, the document shall be rejected until fees have been collected for permit and hydrants have been checked by Inspection Services.

Water Meter Reductions (Down-Size)

Requests to reduce water meter size (down-size) need to be submitted to the One Stop Shop for review by the Building Plans Review Division upon payment of a minimum review fee.

The owner of the property, or a suitably authorized representative, shall sign the request prior to submittal attesting to the accuracy of the required information along with the person who prepared the application. Requests for buildings provided with a fire sprinkler system(s) must also have affixed the name, signature, and seal of a Fire Protection Engineer or NICET level three, certification in support of the requested size.

Upon approval, the owner / applicant will make payment for the approved size meter and contact the Water Operations Department at 480-312-5650 to schedule installation. It is the owner's responsibility to acquire a Minimum Plumbing Permit for connecting to the new meter upon installation.

Water Meters in the County

City Submittal Requirements:

Submit the following information to the One Stop Shop.

  • Two (2) 24"x36" copies of the County Approved * site plans of the property indicating the following information:
  • All existing utilities including the water main size
  • Entire square footage of the property
  • Meter size and location
  • Total livable square footage of the house.
  • One (1) copy of the County Approved Construction Plans and/or one (1) copy of the County Building Permit.

* Existing residential may submit these plans without county approval.


Clients are not charged for plan review, however, water meter and development fees are due when the plan is approved.

Please note: City code dictates a 25% surcharge for water meters and service lines installed outside of the City limits.

Design Resources and Downloads

Last Updated: Dec 18, 2024

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One Stop Shop

7447 E. Indian School Road Scottsdale, AZ 85251


Monday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Tuesday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Wednesday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Thursday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
City Holiday Schedule  *Additional Info: No transactions after 4 p.m.
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