Cover Sheet (1"=20')(DGN)(DWG)(PDF)
Plan & Profile Border sheet (1"=20')(DGN)(DWG)(PDF)
General notes sheet (1"=20') (DGN)(DWG)(PDF)
Seed 2D file(DGN)n/an/a
Sample Plan Setn/an/a(PDF)

CADD Resource Guidelines


Plan preparation and submittals shall follow the Design Standards & Policies Manual. Plan symbology should follow ADOT cadd standards for color table, cell libraries & resource files, but must use the COS seed 2D file for the correct geo-reference (Not ADOT Seed files). Font size and type is defined in the above MicroStation cadd files. In addition to ADOT, use font resource file: Scott.rsc

Plan preparation and submittals shall follow the Design Standards & Policies Manual. Text size and style is defined in the above AutoCAD files. The AutoCAD layering standards should be based on the American Institute of Architects national standards.
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