
The Historic Preservation Program has developed an incentive program to assist the homeowners in historic district neighborhoods with protecting and maintaining the exterior features of their homes that give their neighborhood a distinct character. City Council has budgeted funds specifically to assist homeowners in historic districts.

The Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) developed the HRER Program to assist the homeowners in neighborhood historic districts with maintaining the special historic character of the exterior of their homes. Since 2006 projects have been approved for funding and most have been successfully completed. Applications are now being accepted for the HRER Program for the remainder of the current fiscal year. The Historic Preservation Commission will review applications for funding in the order they are received and could select projects for funding at their regular monthly meeting until all of the available HRER program funds for the fiscal year have been committed. The Commission has regular meetings on the first Thursday of each month.

To determine projects eligible for funding, staff will review the applications as they are received and make a recommendation to the HPC. The Commission will make the final selection and determine the amount of funding. Construction cannot begin on a project until after the HPC approves the application.

This is a competitive selection process and the most appropriate projects for homes in the historic districts will be selected. The maximum reimbursement amount for the selected projects is 50% of the total cost, up to $5,000. In order to comply with the state and local legal requirements for the disbursement of funds to private individuals, the selected homeowners must agree to maintain the exterior of their home and dedicate a Conservation Easement. Please refer to the Pre-Application & Case Submittal Process for information regarding the steps and forms for the entitlement process.


Key Points on the Program

  • Owners of homes in the four historic districts approved by City Council (Village Grove, Town and Country, Villa Monterey and Sands North Townhouses) are the only people eligible to apply for these funds.
  • Projects will be selected on a competitive basis and the ones that best protect and maintain the historic character of homes in the area will be ranked highest.
  • Use the Preservation Guidelines for your neighborhood and the Program Guidelines to prepare the most appropriate plans.
  • Funds are available for reimbursement only after the project is completed; the maximum city funding per home is $5,000.

Historic District Guidelines

In June 2005 City Council designated the first two 1950s neighborhoods in Scottsdale as historic districts - Village Grove 1-6 and Town and Country Scottsdale. In July 2011 City Council approved the first townhouse historic district - Villa Monterey Units 1-7. Preservation Guidelines have now been prepared for each neighborhood to guide the owners in preparing plans for repairs, additions or alterations that are appropriate for their historic area.

Village Grove 1-6

Town and Country Scottsdale

Villa Monterey Units 1-7

Sands North Townhouses

Last Updated: Jan 30, 2025

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Jesus Murillo
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