The Office of Environmental Initiatives (OEI) provides a range of environmental services for the Scottsdale citizens. The office acts as a resource for Environmental Regulatory Compliance, supports the City's Green Building Programs, manages the new sustainability plan and provides a wide range of environmental resources to the community and City staff.

Environmental Compliance

Policy, Regulatory and Legal Requirements

The City of Scottsdale’s Office of Environmental Initiatives can assist its residential and business communities with identifying and complying with environmental laws, rules, regulations, ordinances and policies that need to be considered for current or planned activities. Enclosed in these pages are helpful references to the appropriate City offices, and to applicable State and County agencies for activities and conditions that require an awareness of the governing regulations.

City Resources:

External Resources:


OEI is currently working with other city departments to develop the Heat Mitigation Plan. Through education, research, and leadership by example OEI collaborates with the community and City staff towards the integration of environmental stewardship in decision making processes to maintain our healthy natural systems within our built and preserved environment. OEI seeks to develop and implement initiatives which support a sustainable balance of the environment, the economy, and the community’s social vision.

Resources and Initiatives

Sustainable Scottsdale: The City of Scottsdale is committed to enhancing the lives of its residents and effectively managing model conservation efforts to protect valuable resources for future generations. Read more about ongoing Sustainable Scottsdale initiatives and how you can be part of the solution.

A Culture of Sustainability: A document describing the sustainable actions and results of City operations, infrastructure and community facilities.

Solid Waste and Recycling Strategic Plan: Partnering with the City’s Solid Waste Department, OEI assisted in the establishment of the City’s Solid Waste and Recycling Strategic Plan. This document provides measureable goals to improve he City’s diversion rate and to minimize the solid waste stream overtime.

Sustainable Cities Network: Scottsdale is an active participant in the ASU Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability’s Sustainable Cities Network. The City of Scottsdale is an active Network member and a Steering Committee leader. In 2012 Michael Crow presented the Network’s Steering Committee Cities with the ASU President’s Award for Sustainability.

Greater Phoenix Green Infrastructure Handbook – Low Impact Development Details for Alternative Stormwater Management: Scottsdale is progressively attempting to install in capital projects Low Impact Development (LID) and Green Infrastructure (GI) as a method of stormwater control, water harvesting, and cleansing for the first flush requirements of the City’s Floodplain Ordnance. Working through the ASU Sustainable Cities Network, Scottsdale has embraced the concepts found in the Low Impact Development Toolkit developed for the cities of Mesa and Glendale.

Greening Events Implementation Guide

Scottsdale Environmental Advisory Commission

OEI also supports the City Council appointed citizen Scottsdale Environmental Advisory Commission (SEAC). This Commission is tasked with advising the Council by making recommendations on issue relating to the preservation and enhancement of the environment in the City of Scottsdale, taking into consideration Scottsdale's commitment to a balance of environmental, economic, and social sustainability, including both short-and long-term impacts. The Commission advises on the development and prioritization of current and future City environmental quality and environmental sustainability initiatives, plans, activities and programs. The Commission may also provide assistance to staff in the development of contacts that may result in coordinated efforts between the public and private sectors to address environmental concerns.

Scottsdale Advisory Commission


Idling Gets You Nowhere: A campaign to reduce tail pipe pollution in our community, Idling Gets You Nowhere is being utilized in multiple City publications to get the word out that everyone who drives can make a positive difference in the air we breathe.

Last Updated: Jan 15, 2025

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Office of Environmental Initiatives

7447 E. Indian School Road Suite 125 Scottsdale, AZ 85251
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