Vista del Camino provides a variety of services to Scottsdale residents to prevent homelessness, meet the basic needs of individuals and families in crisis, relieve economic and emotional stress and assist individuals to maintain self-sufficiency.

Are you seeking assistance?

Vista del Camino will work with you to assess your needs and find programs that can be of assistance.

  • Rent/Mortgage assistance
  • Emergency food boxes
  • Eviction prevention rental assistance
  • Emergency utility assistance
  • Emergency financial assistance: transportation, prescriptions and special needs

Call 480-312-2323 to make an appointment.

Assistance Programs

Image of Adopt-a-Family
Image of Back to School
Back to School
Image of Career Center & Services
Career Center & Services
Image of Food Bank
Food Bank
Image of Healthy Packs
Healthy Packs
Image of LIHEAP - Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
LIHEAP - Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
Image of Scottsdale Teen Employment Program (STEP)
Scottsdale Teen Employment Program (STEP)

Last Updated: Jul 31, 2024

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