General Information
As part of its continuing efforts towards protecting large cacti and trees indigenous to the area, the City of Scottsdale adopted the Native Plant Ordinance (City Code, Chapter 46 , Article V) which applies city-wide. Protecting native plants also applies to both natural desert and landscaped areas.
Many desert trees and cacti are slow-growing and can take decades to reach maturity. Therefore, leaving such plants in place or salvaging them for incorporation into landscaping is beneficial both from a financial and feasible point-of-view.
Project Planning
Any request which affects plants from the list of protected plants (PDF) is required to submit a native plant program (PDF) detailing the existing location and proposed treatment of each protected plant impacted. Protected plants should, at the most optimal situation, remain in place. Those plants that must be moved are required to be salvaged unless the applicant can demonstrate how conditions such as poor health or orientation make successful relocation impossible. Salvaged plants are to be replanted within the project.
Single family projects are required to submit a native plant inventory report and site plan at the time of submittal for building plan reviews. Commercial projects are required to submit a native plant program (PDF) no earlier than the time of Development Review Board approval. A native plant permit is required to remove, relocate, or destroy any plant protected by the ordinance (PDF). Permits will not be issued unless submitted in conjunction with an approved or proposed development project. A permit will be issued after the native plant program has been approved.
ESL Overlay Requirements
The Protected Native Plant list differs from the list of Indigenous/Desert Appropriate Plants for ESL. Visit the ESL Overlay webpage to learn more information about the zoning regulations.