The Foothills Overlay (F-O) zoning district recognizes and preserves the rural desert character in the low density lands. The overlay limits the perceived 'overbuilding' of properties in areas typically described as being rural and in doing so would limit to some degree what such properties could be used for. The district contains standards that define the area’s character with minimum visual impact. The Environmentally Sensitive Lands Ordinance (ESL) purpose of desert preservation and blending development to the desert, are supported by the F-O.
Specifically, these regulations are intended to:
- Conserve the character of the natural desert landscape.
- Minimize the impacts of development by controlling the location, intensity, pattern design, construction techniques, and materials of development and construction.
- Retain the visual character of the natural landscape to the greatest extent feasible by regulating building mass location, colors, and materials; grading location, design and treatment; and landscaping design and material.
- Maintain significant open spaces which provide view corridors and land use buffers, protect landmarks and prime wash habitats, and maintain the city’s unique desert setting.
- Protect environmentally sensitive lands, while also recognizing the reasonable expectations of property owners.
- Encourage innovative planning, design and construction techniques for development in environmentally sensitive areas.