There are city event venues and Old Town spaces that may be a perfect fit for your event. Venues include the Scottsdale Civic Center, Scottsdale Stadium, WestWorld and Western Spirit: Scottsdale’s Museum of the West. Spaces include the Marshall
Way Bridge, Stetson Plaza, Canal Banks area, Soleri Plaza, and West Paseo. For more information and to inquire about availability, please contact:
City Venues
Scottsdale Civic Center
Facilities Rental Information: 480-874-4604
Scottsdale Stadium
Event Rental Information: 480-312-2586
Sales & Event Information: 480-312-6815
Western Spirit: Scottsdale’s Museum of the West
Event Venue Information: 480-530-3478
City Spaces
Marshall Way Bridge, Stetson Plaza, Canal Banks, Soleri Plaza, and West Paseo
Cheryl Sumners, Events Manager: 480-312-7834
Any Old Town events proposed along the canal banks within 65' on either side of the canal require SRP review, approval, and licensing.
SRP permit information
Email SRP