Scottsdale's sidewalks and enhanced crossings provide a network for people walking, skating and using personal assistive mobility devices. The Pedestrian Element will assess priorities to make Scottsdale more walkable and provide safe, convenient, barrier-free pedestrian ways and facilities that promote walking short distances. For example, shade along sidewalks and bus stops can make walking and transit use much more comfortable.
Specific sidewalk standards are found in the Design Standards and Policies Manual (DS&PM) Street Geometrics and Public Pedestrian Facilities sections. The TAP Streets Element provides cross sections by functional classification [will link] with guidance similar to that in the DS&PM. The cross sections outline sidewalk placement, which vary by functional classification and character areas.
One significant change to the pedestrian element in the 2022 TAP is a new policy to locate shade trees on the west side of north/south streets and on the north side of east/west streets on the side of the sidewalk, opposite the street. Previously shade trees were placed between the sidewalk and the street. The new orientation provides the most shade for pedestrians during the hottest months of the year.