Legacy Boulevard Bridge |
Construct the second bridge and approaches on Legacy Boulevard over the Reata Pass Wash. The bridge is approximately 250' long x 40' to accommodate 2 travel lanes, bike lane and sidewalk. |
Dynamite Boulevard - 56th to Pima |
Construct a complete street from 56th Street to Pima Road (4 miles). Depending on volume forecasts, the project will be widened to either 3 or 5 lanes. A 5-lane roadway is more likely east of Scottsdale
Road. Other project elements will include 5-6' bike lanes, curb/gutter, catch basins, storm drains/culverts, center turn lanes, 6-8' sidewalk on one side, 8-10' side path and 6-8' trail. The project crosses
the Rawhide Wash (100-year discharge of 9,000 cfs) approximately 1/2 mile west of Pima Road. A bridge span of approximately 300' is anticipated. Additional turn bay capacity and signal modifications are
planned at Scottsdale Road and Pima Road. A new major intersection at the Hayden Road alignment is also planned. |
Pinnacle Peak Road - Scottsdale Road to Pima Road |
Construct a 4-lane complete street between Scottsdale and Pima roads (2 miles). Other project elements will include 5-6' bike lanes, curb/gutter, catch basins, storm drains/culverts, center turn
lane/raised median, 6-8' sidewalk on one side, an 8-10' side path and 6-8' multi-use trail. Additional turn bay capacity and signal modifications at key intersections may be required. Right-of-way
acquisition will be necessary in some locations. |
Miller Road - Princess Drive to Legacy Boulevard |
Construct a 4-lane complete street between Princess Drive and Legacy Boulevard (1 mile). Other project elements will include 5-6' bike lanes, curb/gutter, catch basins, storm drains/culverts, center turn
lane/raised median and 8' sidewalks. The project will cross the Loop 101 using the new underpass completed in 2021. The majority of this project is expected to be constructed by private development. |
Scottsdale Road - Loop 101 to Jomax Road |
Construct a 4- to 6-lane complete street (4.7 miles). Other project elements will include 5-6' bike lanes, curb/gutter, catch basins, storm drains/culverts, center turn lane/raised median, 6-8' sidewalk
on one side, 8-10' shared use path and 6-8' trail. A new bridge, using Scottsdale and Proposition 400 ALCP funds, has already been constructed over the Rawhide Wash (100-year discharge of 9,000 cfs)
approximately 1,200' south of Pinnacle Peak Road. |
Happy Valley Road - Scottsdale Road to Pima Road |
Construct a 4-lane complete street between Scottsdale and Pima roads (2 miles). Other project elements will include 5-6' bike lanes, curb/gutter, catch basins, storm drains/culverts, center turn
lane/raised median, 6-8' sidewalk on one side, 8-10' shared use path and 6-8' trail. The project crosses the Rawhide Wash (100-year discharge of 9,000 cfs) approximately 250' west of existing Hayden Road. A
bridge span of approximately 300' is anticipated. Additional turn bay capacity and signal modifications are planned at Scottsdale Road and Pima Road. A new major intersection at the Miller Road alignment is
also planned. |
Jomax Road - 56th Street to 94th Street |
Construct a new 3-lane complete street between 56th and 94th streets (4.5 miles). Other project elements will include 5-6' bike lanes, curb/gutter, catch basins, storm drains/culverts, center turn
lane/raised median, 6-8' sidewalk on one side, a 10' shared use path and 6-8' multi-use trail. Traffic signals and additional turn bay capacity at Hayden Road may also be included. Right-of-way acquisition
will be necessary in some locations. |
Lone Mountain Road - 68th Street to Pima |
Construct a new 3-lane complete street between 68th Street and Pima Road (2.5 miles). Other project elements will include 5-6' bike lanes, curb/gutter, catch basins, storm drains/culverts, center turn
lane/raised median, 6-8' sidewalk on one side, 8-10' side path and 6-8' multi-use trail. Right of way acquisition may be required in some locations. |
56th Street - Jomax to Dynamite |
Construct a new 5-lane collector complete street between Jomax Road and Dynamite Boulevard (1 mile). Other project elements will include 5-6' bike lanes, curb/gutter, catch basins, storm drains/culverts,
center turn lane/raised median, 6-8' sidewalk on one side, 8-10' side path and 6-8' multi-use trail. Traffic signals and additional turn bay capacity at Jomax Road and Dynamite Boulevard may also be
included, and a roundabout is planned at the Pinnacle Vista Drive intersection. Right-of-way acquisition will be necessary in some locations. |
Mountain View Road - 92nd to 96th (requires reclassification in future) |
Provide creative solutions to improve traffic, pedestrian and bicycling mobility. Any addition of travel lanes would require reclassification of the roadway by City Council. |
Shea Boulevard/Loop 101 Bypass |
Construct roundabouts at up to three locations to facilitate travel on the Mountain View Road corridor between Loop 101 and 96th Street as an east/west alternative to Shea Boulevard, which is at or over
capacity in this area. The intersections include Mt. View/90th, Mt. View/92nd, and Mt. View/96th. |
Hayden Road - Jomax to Dynamite |
Construct a new 3-lane complete street between Jomax Road and Dynamite Boulevard (1 mile). Other project elements will include 5-6' bike lanes, curb/gutter, catch basins, storm drains/culverts, center
turn lane/raised median, 6-8' sidewalk on one side, 8-10' side path and 6-8' multi-use trail. Traffic signals and additional turn bay capacity at Jomax Road and Dynamite Boulevard may also be included.
Right-of-way acquisition will be necessary in some locations. The majority of this project is expected to be constructed by private development. |
North Old Town Intersection Improvements |
Add capacity and improve vehicular and pedestrian safety at up to eight intersections in the vicinity of Scottsdale Fashion Square and the Scottsdale Waterfront high activity areas. The intersections are
Scottsdale/Camelback, Scottsdale/Fashion Square, Scottsdale/Highland, Scottsdale/Rancho Vista, Scottsdale/Chaparral, Goldwater/Highland, Goldwater/Camelback and Camelback/Marshall Way. A roundabout is
planned at the Goldwater/Highland location. |
Alma School Road - Happy Valley to Dynamite |
Complete the missing 1/2-mile gap in the minor arterial roadway near Jomax Road, realign and improve the Alma School Parkway and Jomax Road intersection to a roundabout, add 8-10' shared use path and
6'-8' shared use trail on west side, add missing sections of 6' sidewalk on east side and improve roadside and cross drainage. |
Stagecoach Pass Road - Pima to 97th |
Widen Stagecoach Pass Road for 1.1 miles to accommodate bike lanes, construct a 6' sidewalk on the north side and improve cross drainage. The majority of this project is expected to be constructed by
private development. |
Scottsdale Road Intersection Improvements - Mountain View to Greenway |
Construct additional turn lane capacity and/or pedestrian crossing improvements at up to 11 signalized intersections and new right turn bays at up to 15 locations. Major intersections include Shea
Boulevard, Cactus Road, Thunderbird Road and Greenway Parkway. |
Dixileta Drive - 66th Street to Pima |
Construct a new 3-lane complete street between 66th Street Road and Pima Road (2.75 miles). Other project elements will include 5-6' bike lanes, curb/gutter, catch basins, storm drains/culverts, center
turn lane/raised median, 6-8' sidewalk on one side, 8-10' side path and 6-8' multi-use trail. Right-of-way acquisition may be required in some locations. |
Rio Verde Drive - 118th to 144th |
Construct a 4-lane complete street between 118th and 144th streets (3.25 miles). Other project elements will include 5-6' bike lanes, curb/gutter, catch basins, storm drains/culverts, center turn
lane/raised median, 6-8' sidewalk on one side, 8-10' side path and 6-8' trail on north side. A wildlife underpass or overpass may be installed in the vicinity of the 124th Street alignment. A roundabout or
traffic signal may be installed at 136th Street. |
136th Street - Rio Verde to Lone Mountain |
Construct a new 3-lane complete street between Rio Verde Drive and Lone Mountain Road (2 miles). Other project elements will include 5-6' bike lanes, curb/gutter, catch basins, storm drains/culverts, center turn lane, 6-8' sidewalk or
trail on the east side. Right of way acquisition will be required in some locations. |