Step 1: Port Voucher Request
Family must contact the housing agency that issued them their voucher and tell them they would like to port their voucher to the City of Scottsdale. If the family is eligible to move, the initial housing agency will forward all applicable documents to the Portability Specialist with the City of Scottsdale Housing Choice Voucher Program.
Step 2: Apply for Port-in
Complete and submit the online Portability Intake Form below. Once we receive your voucher paperwork from the housing jurisdiction you are leaving, we will give you a call to set up an appointment. If you have not received a call from our office, please contact your current housing authority to determine when it will be sent over.
Step 3: Portability appointment
The portability specialist will contact you to conduct a briefing, administer a voucher, and moving packet at the time of your appointment. Please bring the following items with you:
- State Issued Identification card
- Birth certificates and social security cards of all household members
- Current banks statements
- Current proof of income
Step 4: Property Selection
Once the participant has selected a unit in Scottsdale, the property owner will complete the Request for Tenancy Approval (RFTA/moving packet) and this packet will need to be returned to the housing agency with all documents completed by the landlord and tenant.
Step 5: Property Inspection
Once the specialist has processed the moving paperwork and approved the unit, we will then start the property inspection phase. The inspector will go out and complete a thorough inspection and determine whether the unit is acceptable according to Housing Quality Standards. After the inspection has taken place you will then be notified whether the unit was approved or denied.
Step 6: Acceptance/Approval
When the unit is approved, and the tenant and landlord (take out “will”) have determined a move in date, the tenant signs the lease. A copy of the lease will need to be sent to the new housing authority. The assigned housing specialist will then mail a letter indicating the housing authority and tenants rent portion that they will be responsible for paying each month.