Leisure at Scottsdale Senior Centers offers community meals, art talks, music sessions, discussion groups, and games—all designed to keep you active, engaged, and socially connected.

Congregate Lunch Programs

Congregate meals program provides a delicious & nutritious lunch to seniors. This program is designed to bring positive socialization & interaction with others while enjoying a meal. 

Doors open at 11:00am & lunch is served at 11:30am. Menu posted online & at the front desks.

$4.00 ages 50+ / $7.00 ages 50 & under

Via Linda Senior Center: Partners with HonorHealth
Meals are available Tuesdays & Thursdays
Must register at least two-day advance over the phone 480-312-5810 or at front desk

Granite Reef Senior Center: Partners with Tempe Community Action
Meals are available Monday-Friday
Must register one day advance by calling 480-312-1724 (leave a voicemail)

Discussion Groups

Senior Center Discussion Groups

Senior Services has a variety of discussions groups lead by vetted City of Scottsdale volunteers. Join the fun with light-hearted groups to designed to make new friends while sharing, stories, jokes, information & memories. See our daily activity list for variety groups at both senior centers. 

Art All Around Us

Join our docent for free visual lecture series presented  Phoenix Art Museum at both senior centers:

Granite Reef Senior Center Room #8 at 10:00am every 1st Tuesday of each month

Via Linda Senior Center Room #5 at 1:00pm Every 4th Thursday of each month

March 27 - Buenos Aire, Tango & Impressionism

April 1 - The Voyage of Life

April 24 - Revolutionary Brushstrokes: The Significance of Mexican Muralism

May 6 - The American Dream: What is it?

Music & Muffins Discussion Group

Join us for an hour of building community through the Joy of Music. Group will discuss music and playlists with a group leader from AZ Music Fest. Playlists will be emailed to each participant prior the group meeting. Coffee and Muffins will be provided.

Via Linda Senior Center 3rd Tuesday of each mouth. Free activity but you'll need to register.

March 18 – The Songs of Steve and Eydie

April 15 – Rodgers and Hammerstein’s "Carousel"

May 20 – Music ‘Round the World

Via Linda Book Discussion

The Via Linda Book Discussion group meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month — September to June. For each month a person volunteers to lead the discussion. Questions are usually found online and shared with the group via email prior to the meeting. All are welcome! All books are available at Scottsdale Public Library.

March 13 - State of Wonder by Ann Patchett 

April 10 - The Catographers by Peng Shepherd

May 8 - Winter Garden by Kristen Hannah

June 12 - Lady Tan’s Circle of Women by Lisa See

Musical Activities

Bluegrass Jam Sessions

Bring your own acoustic bluegrass instruments (banjo, fiddle, guitar, mandolin & dobro) and play along with other musicians. Or just come in have a seat outside the circle & listen. Everyone is welcome.

Every Wednesday Noon-2pm at Via Linda Senior Center

Open Karaoke
Join us for free afternoon of singing. No registration required. This program is at Granite Reef Senior Center 2-5 p.m.

1st & 3rd Tuesday
2nd & 4th Thursday

Scottsdale Strummers

Join us for a drop-in ukulele group jam session must bring your own ukulele. There is no cost for this program all levels welcome.  If you want to learn how to play join the beginner group. This groups meets at Granite Reef Senior Center.

Beginner Group Every Monday 1-2:00 p.m.

Every Friday 10 a.m. - Noon

Music Memory Workshops

Music is therapy. Each workshop includes full body movement exercise memory & hand-eye coordination games, reflective conservation; all set to music & rhythm. These free workshops are hosted at Granite Reef Senior Center. Every Monday 10:30-11:30 a.m.

Mindful Art

Come enjoy an engaging, creative session for you and your family member. Designed for those experiencing dementia, Alzheimer's or low vision. We will sing, tell stories, and create art together on seasonal themes. You'll go home with an original piece of artwork, and materials to support you as a caregiver.

Every Tuesday 10-11:00 a.m. at Via Linda Senior Center

Cards/Games Activities

Drop- In Play

Both Senior Centers provide space on a first come, first served basis for social cards & games. Rooms are shared use with multiple groups playing different games at once unless otherwise schedule. This is geared towards groups who already have a foursome. Check with Senior Center front desks for times due to varies though out the week.

Daily Activities

Both Senior Centers have daily activities each day of the week which are coordinated by city vetted volunteers. Our volunteers will welcome you in & teach/review the activity/game. (Exceptions of Bridge/Mah Jongg experience is required). See list on home page.


If the game of bridge interests you, look no further. The Granite Reef and Via Linda Senior Centers offer a few varieties of bridge games including ACBL sanctioned games throughout the week at affordable prices, in addition to countless social bridge games free of charge.

Want to learn how to play bridge? Senior centers offer paid classes every season located online/Scottdale Life Brochure

* Requires $8.00 drop-in fee. Call Granite Reef or Via Linda Senior Center for more information.

Duplicate BridgeGRSCMonday & Friday1 p.m.
Fast Play Bridge (Intermediate)VLSCTuesday & ThursdayNoon
Duplicate BridgeGRSCTuesday1 p.m.
Prickly Pear BridgeGRSCWednesday1 p.m.
Duplicate Sanction Bridge*VLSCWednesday12:30 p.m.

Mah Jongg

Played by four persons with 144 domino-like tiles that are drawn and discarded until one player secures a winning hand. The object of play is similar to that of the rummy card games. The mah-jongg set includes a pair of dice, a quantity of tokens or chips used for scorekeeping, and a rack for keeping tiles upright and keeping their faces hidden from other players.

Want to learn how to play Mah Jongg senior center offers paid classes every season. Located Online/Scottsdale Life brochure

Mah JonggGRSCMonday10:30 a.m.
Mah Jongg (Rotation Required)VLSCThursday1 p.m.
International Mah JonggGRSCFridayNoon

Via Linda Senior Center hosts Mah Jongg Party Friendly Tournaments

American Version of ancient Chinese game of skill & luck, using the current National Mah Jongg League Rule Card. Standard Rules of Play. 4 rounds of 3 games each, with rotations to different tables, for points and prizes.

image of mcdowell village senior living logo

Welcome to McDowell Village, conveniently located in South Scottsdale, adjacent to the Granite Reef Senior Center. Here, local seniors have access to high-quality Independent Living and Assisted Living services. In fact, because of our trained staff and customized care, McDowell Village was recently ranked “Best Independent Living” and “Best Assisted Living” by U.S. News and World Report.

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