Project Phase

Project Summary

Work began in mid-January to repair the irrigation system in a section of Eldorado Park between Murry Lane and McDowell Road. Eldorado Pond is closed while the irrigation system around the lake and the area immediately south of it is rebuilt.  This phase of construction is scheduled to be complete in the Fall of 2024.

Project Information

Budget: $23,500,000

Sponsoring Division: Community Services

Funding Source: Bonded

Project Location: Indian Bend Wash between Thomas and McKellips roads

Contact Information

Annette Grove
Project Manager
Annette Grove

The irrigation systems around the ballfields, playground and amphitheater immediately east of El Dorado Pool were reconstructed January - May 2024 and that area is remains closed while the turf is reestablished.  The multi-use path on the east side of the park will remain open and provide a through connection along the Indian Bend Wash.

Phase one of work to repair the lakes and irrigation in the Indian Bend Wash began in March 2023.  Work began with the first phase of the rehabilitation of Eldorado Park Pond, just south of Murray Lane and the conversion of some turf areas to xeriscape landscaping, improving concrete pathways, replacing irrigation, and rebuilding the pump station.

Project Overview

This project will make much needed repairs to the lakes in the Indian Bend Wash between Thomas and McKellips roads. The Indian Bend Wash includes many park amenities such as playgrounds, trails, bicycle routes, fishing lakes, sports fields, disc golf course, skate park and an aquatic center. Many of these activities rely on irrigation water from the lakes, or the lakes themselves.

The lake system is showing signs of aging and failure due to the following:

  • Existing vegetation has rooted into the lake puncturing the existing clay liners causing larger than normal water loss from the system.
  • The lake edges are eroding causing incompatible conditions adjacent to the multi-use paths.
  • The irrigation systems are outdated, undersized and perform inadequately.
  • The existing connector channel system between park lakes is open and contains eroded banks, sedimentation, high plant growth and decaying pedestrian bridges.
  • The spillway structure located just north of McKellips Road is leaking increasing the water loss from the lake system.

Project Background

On March 3, 2020, the City Council approved the Indian Bend Wash Municipal Use Master Site Plan, which was developed after extensive public and community input. This project will implement elements of that Master Plan related to the lakes and irrigation.

On November 5, 2019, the City of Scottsdale’s voters approved several bond projects, including Question 2, Project 23: Repair Lakes and Irrigation at Vista del Camino Park in the Indian Bend Wash, which will provide funding for the irrigation improvements.

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