Contest Details

Category of entries

  • Essay
  • Art piece in any medium
  • Original song or video (3-minute maximum)
  • Educational podcast (3-minute minimum/5-minute maximum) 

Contest prompts

Grades 1-2
The Constitution is a document of rules. Why is it important for our society / country to have rules like those in the Constitution?   
(Essay word count: 150-250)

Grades 3-5
Explain how at least one part of the Constitution (including the Bill of Rights) affects your life as a resident of the United States.
(Essay word count: 250-350)

Grades 6-8
Briefly explain each of the seven main purposes of the U.S. Constitution and how the Constitution (including the Bill of Rights) fulfills those purposes.
(Essay word count: 500-750)

Grades 9-12
The preamble of the Constitution highlights principles such as unity, justice, domestic peace, defense, the well-being of the citizens, and the preservation of freedom for current and future generations. Through pointing to specific examples from the Constitution itself (including the Bill of Rights), explain how this document fulfills at least three of these principles.
(Essay word count: 500-750)


Entries will be judged in the context of how each contributes to a better understanding of the Constitution. Finalists will be determined by the American Association of University Women-Arizona and Grand Prize winners will be chosen by Mayor Ortega. Prizes will be awarded for each grade level and each category of entry, there will be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prize.


  1. All entries - essays, art, media - must be the original work of the student.
  2. Only one entry per student per category is permitted.
  3. Essays may be typed and submitted electronically as a PDF or neatly handwritten.
  4. Art may be in any medium.
  5. Song/Video/podcast may be 3 minutes or less, posted on YouTube and the link sent to Rebecca Kurth at [email protected].
  6. Winners must live in Scottsdale or attend a Scottsdale school.
  7. Each entry must include:
    • Full name
    • Grade
    • Age
    • Address
    • Phone number and Email address
    • Name of School or Home School
    • Title of entry
  8. All submissions will be considered the property of the city of Scottsdale and may not be returned. Winning submissions may be displayed in City Hall or other Public Venues, such as libraries.

Entries must be submitted, mailed or postmarked by 5 p.m., October 18, 2024. Submission sites include Scottsdale Public Libraries’ Information desks or Scottsdale City Hall or electronically to Rebecca Kurth

Your entry will be confirmed electronically within 48 hours of submission via email. If you do not receive confirmation within 48 hours, please contact Rebecca Kurth.

Awards Ceremony

To be determined

Last Updated: Oct 4, 2024

Mayor and City Council

3939 N. Drinkwater Blvd. Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Mayor David D Ortega
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