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Labor Day Weekend DUI Task Force

Get a ride, not a DUI, this Labor Day holiday weekend. The Scottsdale Police Department, in collaboration with the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, Arizona Department of Transportation and National Traffic Safety Administration, will be conducting DUI enforcement during the Labor Day weekend. The Task Force will operate in the evening hours from Friday, August 30, through Sunday, September 1. Our law enforcement partners from Gilbert, Mesa, and Salt River Police Departments will also participate in the Task Force. Scottsdale Police will also be assisting Mesa Police with traffic activity near the Salt River on Monday, September 2.

The purpose of the DUI Task Force is to contact drivers who have made the disastrous decision to drive impaired and remove them from the roadway before they hurt others or themselves. This will be done by conducting saturation patrols in different areas of Scottsdale. 

DUIs are 100 percent preventable. The results of DUI collisions can be devastating and tragic. If people plan on consuming alcoholic beverages or using recreational marijuana, we strongly recommend they also plan ahead to have a sober designated driver who can get them home safely. Other safe options include using a ride-share or a taxi service. 

Please drive sober or find a safe alternate way home. 

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by Scottsdale Police Department Public Information Office
Aug 27, 2024
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