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Residential food waste is responsible for 40 percent of landfill material nationwide. In advance of the holiday season, when entertaining and preparing holiday food contribute to larger than normal amounts of leftovers and food waste, the city of Scottsdale is educating residents on how they can help.

The city is collaborating with local businesses that can help residents compost in their homes and encouraging residents to donate unused food and learn how to make simple changes in their homes that reduce food waste.

Why it matters:

  • Land, water, labor and energy resources are used to produce, process, transport, prepare, store and dispose of discarded food.
  • Food that could feed families in need is sent to landfills.

The bottom line:

By adopting efficient food practices and reducing residential food waste, we can conserve resources, mitigate pollution and greenhouse gases, save money and alleviate hunger.

Residents can help by composting their food waste, donating excess food to local food banks and being mindful of portion sizes and meal planning to reduce leftovers.

What’s next:

Scottsdale encourages residents to adopt sustainable practices for reducing food waste throughout the holiday season. Join a conversation on the topic online at Speak Up Scottsdale or visit Scottsdale Solid Waste and Scottsdale Library in person to learn more about composting and how to reduce food waste on Saturday, Jan. 6, at the Old Town Farmer's Market, 3806 N. Brown Ave. in Scottsdale.

Additional composting classes and educational opportunities take place in spring 2024.

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by Erin Walsh: Public Information Officer, Gina Azima: Solid Waste Customer Service and Outreach Manager
Dec 7, 2023
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