To comply with Arizona Revised Statues on Public Airport Disclosure ( A.R.S. 28-8486), the city of Scottsdale has recorded a map of the Scottsdale Airport Traffic Pattern Airspace also known as the 60 DNL Noise Contour.

Homebuyers and renters should educate themselves in advance about issues that may affect the property. Please reference AZ Department of Real Estate's website prior to purchase or entering into a rental agreement.

The noise contours indicate what areas around the airport experience aircraft noise at 55, 60 and 65 DNL. However, Federal guideline for residential incompatibility with aircraft noise is 65 DNL and the City of Scottsdale has exceeded this minimum standard by mapping the noise contours out to 55 DNL.

Aircraft overflights are sometimes a concern to residents, even though the area of concern may not be contained in any airport noise contours (55DNL or higher). However, as sensitivity to aircraft noise is not uniform throughout the population, the need for noise disclosure is subject to debate. Additionally, the area for required noise disclosure should be established using a rational and defensible standard and can vary from state-to-state. In Arizona, State law provides the rational basis for airport disclosure based on the Traffic Pattern Airspace map and 60 DNL noise contour, and any recorded Airport Influence Area.

For many years the City of Scottsdale has worked with property owners around the airport to provide disclosure to prospective buyers via a Noise Disclosure (PDF) as well as Aviation Easements for new property development within the 55 DNL noise contour. Some residential communities in the airport vicinity have provided noise disclosure information to the original homebuyers, placed disclosure information in the Community Codes, Covenants & Restrictions (CC&Rs) or listed the airport under the "hazard or nuisance" section of the Subdivision Report on file with the County Recorders' office.

The 2005 Noise Compatibility Study adopted by the City Council recommended the City designate an "Airport Noise Influence Area" around the airport in Scottsdale, and requires disclosure of the airport for the sale of all new residential development inside the Influence Area. Additionally, the Study recommended a similar Influence Area be established in the portion of the city of Phoenix similarly affected by aircraft traffic.

However, a number of homeowners objected to the formal establishment of the Scottsdale Airport Influence Area. There was a strong opinion that since there was no airport influence area or required disclosure previously, the current owners should not be required to disclose the existence of an Airport Influence Area when selling their properties. Because of strong community opposition and the new Traffic Pattern Airspace disclosure requirement enacted by the state legislature, the Scottsdale Airport influence area zoning effort was discontinued.

The 2005 Airport Noise and Land Use Compatibility Study (14 CFR Part 150 Study) recommends other land use measures that the Federal Aviation Administration has reviewed.

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