Airport Noise Abatement Program
The City of Scottsdale has long history of proactive noise abatement efforts. The program was developed through a consultative process and included extensive technical analysis along with public input. The city has undergone three FAA Part 150 studies, which were completed in 1985, 1997 & 2005.
Through this study, the city created its Noise Abatement Program aimed at improving the compatibility between airport operations and noise-sensitive land uses in the area, while allowing the airport to continue to serve its roles in the community, state and national airspace system.
Some restriction proposals were evaluated through this process, but were determined infeasible. Airport noise and access restrictions require the submittal and approval of a 14 CFR Part 161 Study, which includes an extensive analysis of the costs and benefits of the proposed restrictions. Because there are no residential impacts within the 65DNL noise contour surrounding Scottsdale Airport, federal funding is not available for such a study and FAA approval of restrictions would be highly unlikely.